Government Resolution No-२०१९/Circular No-०४/VJNT-१/Date: २९ January, २०२०.(3.5 MB)
Objectives of the scheme: -
- To give pre-education to the students of Dhangar community in the category of nomadic tribes-C for army recruitment and police recruitment in the state.
- To facilitate the necessary pre-preparation and basic education to the young men and women participating in the competitive examination to successfully face the competition.
Terms of the scheme: -
- The beneficiary should be a student of Dhangar community belonging to nomadic tribe-C category.
- This student should have passed the degree of any branch with 60% marks.
Nature of Benefit: -
- Pre-education for Army Recruitment and State Police Recruitment.
- Pre-preparation required for successfully facing competitive exams and free pre-competitive training for the same.
Contact: -
Managing Director, Mahajyoti