State Commission of Maharashtra for Backward Class
Maharashtra State Backward Class Commission,
New Administrative Building, Room No. 307,
Opp. Vidhan Bhavan, Pune 411001
Email: msbccpune[at]gmail[dot]com
Telephone No: 020-26053056
The State Commission for the Backward Class is established to look into matters such as including or excluding a particular caste in the sections like VJNT, OBC and SBC. The main objective of this commission is to conduct an extensive study regarding the inclusion/exclusion of a caste as well as its grievances and submit the report to the state government of Maharashtra.
Maharashtra State Backward Class Commission Act 2005. (Marathi)
(6.2 MB)
Maharashtra State Backward Class Commission Act 2005. (English)
(9.1 MB)
Commission constituted under Section 3 of the Maharashtra State Backward Classes Commission Act, 2005
Dedicated Commission
Composition of the Commission: - This Commission shall consist of the following members nominated by the State Government: -
- A person who is or was a judge of the Supreme Court or the High Court.
- Sociologists with experience in empirical research.
- Six members from each of the six revenue departments of the state, each with knowledge of other backward classes; However, there shall be no less than one of these members, so many women members and one member from each of the other backward classes, deprived castes and nomadic tribes.
- Member Secretary who is not below the rank of Co-Director of the Department of Social Justice and who is or was an official of the State Government.
Regarding reservation of other backward classes in local bodies, Hon. Writ petition filed in the Supreme Court (Civil) no. 980/2019 in this. In the decision given on March 04, 2021, paragraph no. Considering the instructions in section 12, other backward Bahujan Welfare Department, as per Government Notification, dated 29.6.2021, Maharashtra State Backward Classes Commission was declared as “Dedicated Commission” for carrying out the specified work. (929 KB)
Government of Maharashtra Gazette - June 15, 2021. (1.7 MB)
Government of Maharashtra Gazette - June 25, 2021. (911 KB)
Government of Maharashtra Gazette - June 29, 2021. (2.1 MB)
Mavak - January 13, 2022. (171 KB)
Functions of the Commission: -
Accepting and examining the request for inclusion of any class of citizens in the lists as backward class.
Advise the State Government to accept, hear, inquire into and investigate complaints of any class of citizens, which are more or less included in such lists.
Periodically review the criteria and methods for determining the backwardness of the citizens and make recommendations to the State Government in this regard.
Conducting studies conducted on a regular basis by reputed educational and research institutes and in collaboration with them to prepare the basis for changing socio-economic status of different classes of citizens.
Regularly review the socio-economic progress of the backward class of citizens, and
Carrying out other tasks as may be prescribed.
Scope of the Dedicated Commission
- The jurisdiction of the Maharashtra State Commission, which has been declared as a dedicated commission for carrying out the specified tasks, has been amended as per the following backward Bahujan Welfare Department, Government Notification dated 27.12.2021.
(1.48 MB).
- To scrutinize the nature and consequences of contemporary empirical backwardness within the boundaries of local bodies in the State of Maharashtra.
- To investigate other cases as directed by the State Government in this regard.
- At the request of the State Government, to submit an interim report and to submit the final report to the State Government within a period of three months, based on the contemporary empirical scrutiny, recording the facts and observations and making recommendations to the local bodies.